Template Wordpress

50+ Tema WordPress Fotografi Terbaik 2018

Pada hari ini WordPress menguasai 28% dari semua situs web secara global. Alasan utama untuk popularitas WordPress adalah antarmuka yang sederhana dan kustomisasi tanpa batas. Bahkan jika Anda bukan pengembang, Anda dapat dengan mudah menemukan banyak tutorial WordPress yang bagus untuk solusi web yang rumit. Secara pribadi saya menggunakan WordPress untuk mempelajari cara membuat kode dan keputusan itu adalah yang terbaik. Namun, kali ini kami akan menggali lebih dalam tema WordPress.

Kali ini saya ingin berbagi tema fotografi WordPress terbaik hari ini. Sebagian besar dari tema ini adalah yang premium tetapi mereka bernilai setiap sen. Saya telah menggunakannya untuk situs klien saya dan saya dapat menjamin bahwa Anda tidak akan kecewa. Namun, adalah mungkin untuk merusak bahkan tema terbaik tetapi saya harap Anda tidak akan melakukannya.

Fotografi, terima kasih kepada Facebook dan Instagram, telah menjadi bentuk seni yang paling populer dan orang-orang sangat menghargainya. Dan tentu saja kita tidak dapat melupakan iPhone dan ponsel cerdas lainnya dengan kamera mengesankan yang memungkinkan untuk menangkap gambar yang mengagumkan.

Masih banyak orang seperti Anda yang mencari solusi yang lebih serius – blog fotografi atau situs web portofolio sendiri dan tampaknya Anda ingin membangunnya di WordPress.

Ini adalah salah satu tema fotografi WordPress terbaik tetapi bukan satu-satunya karena ada ribuan pengembang tema WordPress dan jutaan tema yang tersedia. Saya belum melihat statistik tentang berapa banyak tema WordPress yang tersedia tetapi Anda dapat yakin bahwa Anda akan dapat menemukan satu yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda. Mungkin bagian tersulit adalah memilih satu dan satu-satunya tema fotografi karena ada begitu banyak pilihan bagus yang tersedia.

Oke, cukup ngobrol dan akhirnya sampai ke acara tema. Saya berjanji Anda akan menyukainya!


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Uncode adalah yang benar-benar mengesankan, visual yang luas dan menakjubkan, grafis yang dipoles dan mulus, ambisius dan berani, menarik dan dinamis, sangat kreatif dan sangat mudah disesuaikan, fitur yang kaya dan fungsional serbaguna, mesin pencari dioptimalkan dan cepat memuat WordPress multiconcept responsif, tema situs multiguna . Ini adalah hasil dari desain dan pengembangan proses yang penuh cinta dan berbakti yang terus-menerus diperbarui dan diperluas, untuk menghasilkan tema multiguna yang benar-benar lentur, fleksibel dan benar-benar serbaguna yang dapat dengan mudah menangani situs web profesional atau pribadi, bisnis atau perusahaan, dari blog dan portofolio ke halaman arahan dan banyak lagi, berkat pondasi Bootstrap tanpa kode dengan sumber daya HTML5 dan animasi CSS3.

Seiring dengan plugin yang terintegrasi dengan mulus seperti Komposer Visual yang disempurnakan, Revolusi dan Lapisan Slider, WPML dan WooCommerce di luar kotak, membuat pengalaman pengguna akhir yang sama sekali koheren dan terpadu yang menghasilkan pengguna lebih hati-hati dan dengan sengaja mencerna apa yang sebenarnya penting — Anda yang berharga konten. Dengan tata letak yang cantik dan fitur penanganan media yang luar biasa yang didukung oleh Perpustakaan Media yang unik dan diperbesar, Uncode adalah tema yang sempurna untuk menampilkan fotografi resolusi tinggi yang indah, dan fotografer amatir, fotografer profesional atau freelance, jurnalis perjalanan, atau jurnalis foto akan selalu memberikan manfaat besar. bertransaksi dari pendekatan visual Uncas yang stylish dan memukau.

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Jevelin adalah tema situs multiguna WordPress yang menarik, modern, dan responsif secara visual, menarik, menarik dan canggih, modern dan responsif. Tema ini adalah seperangkat alat yang hebat untuk merancang dan mengembangkan situs web hebat dalam hitungan menit, tanpa harus menulis satu baris kode sendiri. Jevelin telah dirancang untuk menampilkan kumpulan widget pintar yang paling lengkap, fleksibel dan dapat diandalkan, shortcode yang berguna, tata letak yang elegan dan animasi yang dapat disesuaikan yang inovatif yang tersedia saat ini, semua diartikulasikan melalui pengalaman membangun situs web yang sepenuhnya visual bebas dari kerumitan dan sangat mudah digunakan.

Dengan pembuat laman yang ramping dan Revolusi Slider premium, penyebaran konten Anda yang sempurna adalah spesialisasi Jevelin yang sesungguhnya. Fotografer menemukan di Jevelin mitra yang sempurna untuk berbagi karya mereka dengan dunia luas; koding HTML5 yang fleksibel mendukung tema yang paham media yang dapat menangani fotografi resolusi tinggi dan video yang disematkan dengan kemudahan dan ketangkasan, sementara proses penyesuaian mendetail rinci Jevelin memungkinkan Anda menyempurnakan tampilan setiap elemen di dalam situs web Anda dan setiap fotografi dalam etalase Anda, memastikan konten Anda yang berharga selalu dalam pameran di bawah sorotan yang paling menguntungkan, sehingga audiens Anda dapat menghargai karya seni Anda. Efek visual paralaks akan membuat fotografi Anda menjadi hidup. Lihat Jevelin hari ini!

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Photocrati adalah tema WordPress yang bersih, modern, dan sangat mudah disesuaikan dengan lebih dari 60 variasi gaya out-of-the-box. Ada banyak cara untuk menyesuaikan tema ini sesuai kebutuhan Anda. Fungsionalitas tema, skema warna, gaya galeri dan ukuran elemen dapat di-tweak melalui opsi tema sederhana namun kuat. Tema ini digunakan oleh lebih dari 18.000 fotografer di seluruh dunia dan itu berarti bahwa tema ini sudah teruji dengan baik dan akan berfungsi dalam keadaan apa pun. Tema Photocrati dioptimalkan untuk semua ukuran perangkat seperti smartphone dan tablet. Tema ini hadir dengan integrasi eCommerce yang memungkinkan Anda untuk menjual cetakan, fotografi, atau merchandise lainnya. Ini adalah tema yang tepat jika Anda mencari kesederhanaan, customizability, dan desain yang berpusat pada gambar.

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Juru potret

Fotografer adalah tema WordPress yang sangat terspesialisasi. Seperti namanya memberi Anda petunjuk, ia memiliki fokus mutlak pada gambar dan foto. Itu datang dengan konsep yang sangat sederhana dan minimalis yang dibuat untuk memberikan perubahan gambar agar menonjol. Fotografer dibangun dengan desain responsif ramah pengguna dengan kompatibilitas lintas-browser. Nikmati banyak manfaat pada resolusi tinggi dan kualitas siap retina. Ini adalah tema sempurna pixel yang membuat orang lain menangis dengan tampilan gambarnya yang menakjubkan. Fotografer menampilkan beranda photowall langsung yang secara acak menghasilkan homepage yang unik. Namun demikian, galeri dan video juga disertakan. Portofolio, 2 tata letak blog, dan sidebars tidak terbatas ditemukan di antara opsi utama.

Fotografer cepat dimuat dan mudah dibuat dengan beberapa klik. Ikon dan tipografi khusus dari Google Fonts juga tersedia. Fotografer memiliki widget khusus dan bahkan ikon sosial untuk banyak platform juga! Ini sangat terhubung dan didukung dengan baik dengan Ajax dan Google Analytics. Anda akan mendapatkannya dengan panel yang dapat disesuaikan dan dukungan plugin jQuery. Fotografer memungkinkan Anda melakukan foto-blogging. Ceritakan kisah luar biasa dengan banyak gambar dan beberapa kata. Gunakan pembuatan Pixelwars yang menakjubkan ini untuk membuat situs Anda! Gunakan Fotografer!

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Pinhole adalah tema WordPress yang dibuat untuk fotografer, freelancer dan pecinta foto. Ini adalah ciptaan untuk orang-orang independen dan bisnis mereka. Anda akan mendapatkannya dengan dukungan dan dokumentasi dalam panduan pengaturan untuk memulai. Pinhole dibuat dengan konsep modern mengagumkan yang meningkatkan daya tarik foto. Anda dapat mengunggah lebih dari 100 foto sekaligus dengan kecepatan penuh dan membuat galeri langsung. Lebih dari 30 galeri tata letak tersedia untuk dimainkan dan dikustomisasi. Klien akan mendapatkan akun masuk untuk Anda mengirimi mereka foto dan album pribadi.

Pinhole dibuat untuk ceruk pasar yang terfokus dan dimaksudkan untuk memuaskan sepenuhnya. Semua fungsi khusus hanya bergantung pada desainnya tanpa perlu tambahan plug-in. Dapatkan pembaruan gratis konstan Anda di dasbornya. Pinhole fitur jenis pagination yang luar biasa untuk posting. Ini menawarkan 12 shortcode dan banyak widget khusus untuk menjadi kreatif. Ini juga memiliki RTL dan terjemahan built-in untuk menjangkau calon klien di mana saja. Pinhole sederhana, bersih dan kuat. Ini adalah tema yang ditujukan bagi mereka yang sadar akan apa yang ingin mereka lakukan dengan alat fokus foto mereka. Coba impor sekali kliknya sekarang dan mulai mengatur! Bersenang-senang membangun bisnis foto artistik yang solid dengan Pinhole!

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Seperti namanya, Photosy adalah tema WordPress fotografi yang akan membantu Anda mendorong Anda bekerja dengan cara yang menarik. Ini adalah alat yang rapi, rapi, dan modern untuk menyusun situs web dengan cepat dan aman. Dan tidak perlu bagi Anda untuk memiliki pengetahuan pemrograman atau desain. Photosy menjadikan semuanya super sederhana dan mudah bagi semua orang untuk dapat membuat halaman yang tepat yang mereka inginkan untuk diri mereka sendiri.

Paket Photosy berisi demo sembilan belas kekalahan yang dapat Anda impor dan instal dengan satu klik sederhana. Terlebih lagi, Anda dapat mengharapkan yang baru untuk dihapus dengan pembaruan tema masa depan yang cukup teratur. Photosy juga 100% mobile-ready, retina screen fit, kompatibel dengan browser modern dan dioptimalkan untuk kinerja yang luar biasa. Membangun, mengelola, dan memelihara situs web untuk proyek foto Anda akan mudah dilakukan dengan Photosy.

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Folie adalah tema situs multiguna WordPress yang menakjubkan, fasih dan responsif. Tema ini adalah alat utama untuk membuat situs web modern yang tampan dan bergaya. Berdaya dan berani, Folie menyertakan 25 demo yang dirancang secara profesional yang membuat pernyataan. Sesuaikan mereka dengan konten hati Anda dengan Visual Live Builder yang unik. Dibangun berdasarkan Komposer Visual dan teknologi mutakhir, ini adalah pembangun yang paling kuat saat ini. Media-cerdas dan fleksibel, ia menawarkan berbagai pilihan kustomisasi mendalam. Tata letak dan templat sempurna piksel membuat konten Anda muncul dengan semua cara yang benar.

Fotografer dan blog fotografi suka bekerja dengan Folie. Portofolio dan galeri elegan memamerkan karya visual dalam cahaya yang menyanjung dan menawan. Arsitektur modular memberdayakan Folie’s ContentBlocks. Mereka membiarkan Anda mencampur dan mencocokkan bit favorit Anda dari setiap demo atau template, dalam beberapa klik. Pengalaman navigasi Folie yang benar-benar mengesankan akan membuat pengunjung datang kembali untuk menonton lebih banyak. Dapatkan Folie hari ini!

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Sebagai seorang fotografer, amatir atau profesional, Anda pasti ingin mempertimbangkan membangun situs web untuk foto-foto Anda yang retak. Yang mengatakan, yang Anda butuhkan hanyalah Bridge, tema WordPress fotografi, dan Anda hampir selesai dengan desain web Anda. Pilih demo yang paling sesuai, impor, edit, unggah konten Anda dan itu cukup banyak. Saya tau? Rasanya sangat cepat dan begitu mudah, dan itulah yang akan Anda alami dengan Bridge.

Membuat portofolio online untuk proyek fotografi Anda menjadi sepotong kue begitu Anda terpukul dengan kekuatan Bridge. Citra Anda akan menonjol, membawa semua orang ke petualangan hidup mereka. Mintalah mereka memeriksa karya Anda dengan sangat detail, dan sebelum mereka mengetahuinya, mereka sudah menghubungi Anda untuk berbisnis. Sepertinya rencana!

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Dua kali lipat

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Bulan adalah tema WordPress yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan dan meningkatkan situs web kreatif Anda. Blog dan portofolio dapat dioptimalkan oleh serangkaian alat situs web yang bermanfaat. Pelanggan dapat dengan mudah menampilkan video, file audio, dan foto mereka. Bulan dapat meningkatkan fleksibilitas halaman Anda, dan membebaskan Anda dari keharusan untuk duduk di kantor sepanjang hari. Anda akan dapat bekerja, bahkan saat bepergian. Temanya benar-benar responsif, karena dapat menampilkan situs Anda di perangkat seluler seperti tablet dan ponsel pintar. Anda tidak akan pernah kehilangan kemampuan untuk mengunggah foto yang diedit atau tidak diedit, menulis posting untuk blog Anda, mendistribusikan barang Anda, atau mengelola tata letak halaman Anda.

Tema ini dibangun oleh seorang penulis elit, dan telah mendapat pujian dari mereka yang telah membelinya. Pelanggan akan dihadiahi serangkaian pembaruan gratis, dan sistem dukungan yang tidak pernah gagal untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang mengganggu.
Bulan memungkinkan Anda memamerkan tekstur dan warna yang berbeda untuk panel utama situs Anda. Ini akan membantu dalam penyajian konten indah Anda. Mereka yang tidak keberatan sedikit membaca dapat mengakses file dokumentasi tema, yang cukup informatif. Potongan gif dan tutorial video juga disertakan.

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Meskipun Anda sibuk melakukan hal-hal luar biasa di belakang lensa, kemungkinan besar, Anda tidak punya waktu untuk menyelesaikan sendiri ruang web yang tepat. Dan kami bahkan tidak datang ke pengeditan foto yang dapat mengambil lebih banyak waktu daripada mengambil gambar. Yang mengatakan, hemat waktu dan upaya Anda dan masih mencapai tingkat profesionalisme dengan Seni. Ini adalah tema WordPress fotografi yang bersih dan rapi, tetapi sebenarnya, ini adalah alat untuk semua jenis pikiran kreatif. Jika Anda adalah salah satu dari mereka, Anda dipersilakan.

Seni mengikuti semua tren teknologi terbaru dan peraturan web untuk situs web Anda agar selalu tampil terbaik. Ini juga mobile dan retina-siap, serta lintas-browser yang kompatibel untuk bekerja lancar sepanjang waktu. Untuk pembuatan halaman yang cepat, Seni dilengkapi dengan semua yang dapat Anda pikirkan.

Dari demo yang elegan dan enam gaya header yang berbeda ke WPML dan RTL-siap, portofolio eye-catching dan pada animasi gulir, Seni memiliki semuanya. Selain itu, ini juga diperkaya dengan blog dan toko online bagi Anda untuk memperluas merek Anda kapan pun Anda menginginkannya.

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Ztudio X

Ztudio X adalah tema WordPress fotografi yang sangat baik untuk semua orang yang bersedia memulai proyek foto mereka sendiri. Namun, jika Anda sudah menjalankan situs web, dan ingin menyegarkan desainnya, Anda dapat melakukannya dengan mudah dengan Ztudio X juga. Pertama-tama, Anda tidak perlu benar-benar tech-savvy untuk dapat membuat ruang web Anda sendiri. Karena Ztudio X didukung oleh pembuat halaman GoodLayers, tidak wajib untuk mengetahui cara membuat kode atau cara merancang dan tetap berhasil dengan situs web Anda yang luar biasa. Imajinasi Anda adalah satu-satunya batasan yang Anda miliki. Melewatinya dengan Ztudio X dan membuka kemungkinan baru.

Beberapa fitur yang sangat banyak dari Ztudio X adalah demo siap pakai, sembilan belas gaya tajuk, Revolusi Slider dan enam tata letak galeri yang menakjubkan. Anda juga dapat memulai blog dan membuat portofolio online yang menakjubkan. Buat perbedaan dengan Ztudio X dan bersinar online.

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Soho adalah tema WordPress yang baru, kreatif, dan profesional untuk fotografi dan video. Ini memiliki tata letak layar penuh, yang bisa dibilang metode terbaik untuk menyajikan karya seni video dan foto Anda. Tema ini mencakup beberapa implementasi modern, seperti versi yang disempurnakan dari pembuat halaman GT3 bawaan. Implementasi penting lainnya termasuk opsi untuk mengedit warna, konten mudah, dan meningkatkan kecepatan situs web. Tema mengesankan ini hanya dengan sekali klik.

Hanya penggeser layar penuh yang dapat diharapkan untuk mewakili pekerjaan Anda, dan melakukannya dengan adil. Untungnya, slider Soho sangat mahir dalam menciptakan presentasi luar biasa yang pasti akan menampilkan bakat dan detail mata Anda. Tema ini akan bekerja dengan sebagian besar peramban web populer, dan cukup responsif. Dokumentasi yang luas, dan itu cukup untuk mengubah seorang pemula menjadi ahli hanya dalam beberapa jam.

Sebagai latar belakang untuk halaman utama Anda, Anda sekarang dapat menerapkan latar belakang Video dan Gambar, menambahkan lapisan imersi lain untuk pengunjung situs Anda. Manfaatkan sepenuhnya galeri galeri dan opsi portofolio untuk mempresentasikan karya Anda kepada orang lain. Gaya masonry sangat ideal, mengingat itu memanfaatkan ruang dengan baik, memungkinkan pemilik untuk memposting lebih banyak item. Baik itu gambar lanskap atau potret, Galeri Pita akan meningkatkan daya tarik mereka. Namun, banyak artis terkenal juga memelihara blog, memperbarui pembaca mereka sehubungan dengan aktivitas dan proyek terbaru. Tersedia dalam tata letak standar atau layar penuh, blog pasti aset berharga. Untuk info lebih lanjut tentang tema ini, Anda dapat membaca ulasan kami.

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Air adalah tema WordPress portofolio minimalis yang menawarkan penampilan menarik. Ini menawarkan beberapa demo dan banyak shortcode yang berguna. Bersenang-senang bermain dengan banyak elemen tata letak dengan opsi pra-siap pakai dan khusus. Air hadir dengan demo import yang mudah dan memiliki pembangun halaman super cepat. Ini adalah desain yang fleksibel yang sepenuhnya ditingkatkan oleh SEO. Anda akan mendapatkannya dengan layout portofolio dan halaman untuk daftar yang tidak terbatas. Tampilkan semua yang menambahkan logo, dan teks dengan tipografi dan ikon kualitas premium. Latar belakang, footer, dan header yang dapat disesuaikan juga tersedia. Air berbasis Bootstrap dan sangat cepat pada kinerja. Ini memiliki scroll halus yang mendukung animasi dan juga GIF. Posting dapat diterima di lebih dari 7 format! Anda bahkan akan mendapatkan blog masonry.

Udara membuat semua proyek yang melibatkan uang dapat dengan mudah ditangani dengan plugin WooCommerce. Untuk promosi internasional, Anda akan mendapatkan file multibahasa dan dukungan WPML. Social media sharing is also enabled for you to post all your latest work! This is a top theme right here. Air is friendly for users and very instinctive. It is made for those with interest in showing their work rather than working tech details. Documentation and free updates are available! Have fun and get crafty with Air!

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Norebro is a stunning and pristine creative WordPress multipurpose website theme. This theme is an intuitive toolkit for building modern, polished websites in a flash. Norebro packs premium plugins like Visual Composer, Slider Revolution and ACF Pro. They are pliable tools to customize over 30 curated demo websites, or start from scratch. ACF Pro’s expansive set of admin options and settings puts you in total control of your site.

Every single element within Norebro can be modified to suit your needs. Creative navigation styles ensure end-user browsing experience is something to write home about. Engage your audience with dynamic header, footer and Parallax sections. Photographers love Norebro’s flexible visual capabilities and diversity of layout choices and styles. Polished porfolio templates make presenting your works to the world an easy task. Responsive Bootstrap technology delivers your photography seamlessly across all devices and browsers. Try Norebro today!

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PhotoProof is a WordPress theme dedicated to photos presentation in high resolution formats. This, while being compatible to most web browsers and devices out there. It is a fresh professional and manageable design that helps photographers organize portfolios. What’s special about PhotoProof? A transparent and joyful interface for users with scrollers, slideshows and brick galleries. You will find more than 300 icons to play with and customizable backgrounds too. Lazyload, hover effect and animations are also supported for some stunning visuals.

PhotoProof is one great choice for third party add-ons like WPML and Google Fonts. You will also get amazing plugins integrated to get especially crafty. Options include Slider Revolution, Visual Composer page builder and SEO.  Photoproof counts with an image uploader, a MegaMenu and +15 header variations! Needless to say, its one-page mode will offer time to save by maintaining quality and results. In case of making your own online business at once, get sales done with WooCommerce. Regular license is affordable and offers to be set right away with a one-click import! Try it out now with future updates 6 months of free support by Apollo13 plan and even a child theme! Make people see the best of you in the greatest quality possible! Use PhotoProof!

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Brando is a multipurpose one page WordPress theme. It comes with many specialized demos and pre-built layouts for many scenarios. It is a responsive design adaptable to screens and browsers. Brando comes with custom widgets and many panel options. You can set up your site in boxed of wide layouts and feature multiple galleries. Blogs and portfolio layouts are also available. You can customize colors, as well as backgrounds. You will get amazing resolutions, a completely pixel perfect theme for your photographs. Make your creative portfolios of any subject or quality, it can handle it.

Brando uses tons of fonts and awesome custom features. Posts are allowed in 6 formats including image, slider and gallery. Freelancers and photographers will get a kick of the cool features that make their work to be truly seen. Brando is open to social media sharing and is WPML compatible for translations. It uses Visual Composer as page builder and many other elements. You will get a panel improved to avoid coding on backend actions. Brando is well documented and comes with a one click demo install. It is an award-winning theme, with a great rating. It even includes a committed support team for any doubts. Get Brando now!

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If minimalistic and sophisticated is your way, then Stills is definitely the photography WordPress theme you need, period. The web design is the cleanest out there, focusing on your pictures first and foremost. What’s absolutely phenomenal about Stills is the fact how it displays your images. Nope, there is no need for you to crop any of your imagery for them to appear as beautifully as possible on your website. Stills does things entirely different but still keeps things as simple as possible.

What’s the catch?

All your pictures reveal themselves on the web exactly as they are – in their original aspect ratio! No matter if it is a laptop, a tablet or a smartphone, your visitors view your site from, the experience will always be a smooth and distraction-free one. Customize Stills however you see the best fit for your photo project, make it follow your branding and have an active site ready to go live in little to no time.

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A website that promotes art must always be a shining example of quality design and streamlined implementation. If you are an ambitious photographer, ePix is your greatest ally. It can properly showcase your amazing content, and it does not demand any specialized programming knowledge. The number of unique features is staggering, granting your website an unprecedented degree of flexibility and adaptability. ePix is designed by an elite author, and it has earned a five star rating. It offers a limitless number of skins, each designed to maximize the client’s chances of success. If you choose to purchase this product, the amazing ePix Galleries will be at your disposal. Your content will be showcased in a proper manner, given the inclusion of the Fullscreen Grid, Portfolio, 3D Carousel, and Group Slider.

The lazy load function can load a pre-determined number of pictures on a single page. In addition, administrators can create their own personalized skins, thanks to the capable theme Customizer. The Visual Composer offers untold customization options, as each client can design a unique website. Users will benefit from 3rd party add-on support, further expanding their page’s capabilities. If you want to avoid page clutter, you can program your menu to auto-hide or Collapse, freeing up screen space.

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Kallyas is a fluid and responsive WordPress creative multipurpose website theme. It’s an incredible website-building framework. It includes a broad collection of tools and assets for shaping awesome websites. All kinds of projects can count on Kallyas for a surefire stunning website. Smooth and fluid visual navigational experiences are guaranteed every time. Photographers and photography studios love Kallyas because of its intuitiveness. You can craft all sorts of amazing portfolios and photo galleries within minutes. Advanced visual effects powered by 3D Parallax technology keep your users engaged and interested.

Kallyas offers gorgeous Revolution Slider slideshows to showcase your images or videos easily. A fully visual slider builder makes everything a breeze. Flexibility in website design is furnished by an intuitive visual page builder. Customize every section and module of your website with speed and ease. With over 100 elements to choose from, Kallyas offers functionality beyond belief.

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Darkroom is a retina ready full screen WordPress theme designed for photographers, illustrators, graphic designers and other creative professionals who wants to showcase their stunning work on the web. This theme has light/dark header UI switching transparent header support that you can use for displaying your background image. This theme has a very straightforward design with fullscreen slideshow and supports videos and WooCommerce plugin. It also includes fantastic theme features like portfolio posts supports, shortcode generators, widgets, multiple sidebars and advanced theme options.

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Glaciar is photography specialised WordPress theme. It comes with multiple portfolio options and lots of design versatility features. Glaciar is a Retina ready high resolution theme ideal for any type of image. You will get 4 different portfolio layouts to display galleries, and unlimited colors. Glaciar is built with Bootstrap and it is all popular browsers compatible. It is a simple but handy theme dedicated to its purpose with all relevant features. It does, however include the option for posts and online shops. For posting you get lots of Google Fonts and WPML (immediate posts translation). For shopping options you get WooCommerce plug-in part of the deal. Glaciar is HTML and CSS3 compatible.

You can get amazing animations and uploaded! You will also find Contact Form 7 and Jetpack Contact Form compatibility. Social media share buttons are available. Glaciar provides a newsletter submit service and a custom support portal. It is a well crafted theme with all the good needed for its dedicated crowd. It works for all kinds of outdoors photographers, artists, architects, and bloggers. You can make people get in touch with nature and landscapes or simply with what your pieces have to say. Try out this wonderful theme as soon as possible. Get Glaciar!

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Diamond is a WordPress theme that comes as a response to the need of photographers everywhere. Modern and impressive, the developers tweaked many of its features and added based on customer feedback and requirements. A live demo is available, allowing clients to sample the content without having to spend money. Presentation has always been an important part of art. Thankfully, this theme includes an enticing Full Screen slider, which supports both video and image files. Using it, anyone can create an astounding presentation. Full Screen is paramount to any photographer design, as it increases the appeal of a beautifully shot image. Feel free to establish a breath-taking portfolio.

The album feature is ideal for storing and organizing memories. The creation of such an album is not difficult at all, and you can make as many as you wish. Thanks to the Masonry Gallery and Portfolio, there are multiple options for displaying art.  The masonry-style layout is by far, the most popular. It is efficient with its use of free space, and it can showcase plenty of pictures.

The Ribbon gallery is yet another attractive and awesome method of showing off your slides. Be it landscape or portrait photos, they will look good! A good photography website theme will never neglect its presentation. With Diamond, all formats of images will benefit from an amazing look. A blog can also be created, and the user is free to pick the layout. The choice is between the standard and full screen variety, and both are just as impressive.

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Dreamscape is an expressive and responsive WordPress photography multipurpose website theme. This theme is an eloquent framework for creating beautiful visual and navigational experiences. Impressive professional capabilities are also within reach with Dreamscape, without writing any code. Moreover, sophisticated visual features like the Essential Grid make Dreamscape a graphical treat. But Dreamscape’s design is also sleek and minimal, so your content is the star of the show. That’s why Dreamscape is perfect for photographers, photography studios and connoisseurs alike.

With Dreamscape, gorgeous and smooth animations keep your audience engaged with your photography. Full screen or grid sliders let you keep things interesting and dynamic. Showcase your photography in glorious visual style. Nobody beats Dreamscape for presenting gorgeous time lapse photography to the world. The Revolution Slider furnishes you with both subtle and explosive showcase capabilities. Tons of social media integration features are available through your shortcodes. Deploy them with a couple of clicks and let your content go viral with ease. Dreamscape is responsive and mobile-friendly, playing nice with all known devices and platforms. With Dreamscape, your photography can reach a broader audience while preserving its beauty. Adaptive image technology ensures your visitors see your content in the right light. Check out Dreamscape!

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Inspiro is a gorgeous, visually stunning, flexible and powerful WordPress responsive photo-focused theme. While well suited for the design and construction of a number of different website projects, Inspiro truly shines the brightest when in the hands of professional photographers. Freelance photographers will find it extremely easy and quick to set up their online foothold for their business, project their images and expand their customer base. The developers jam-packed Inspiro with tools and features to better showcase your work. Tons of widgets are readily available to better display your beautiful, high resolution imagery on your interactive, dynamic homepage, which can seamlessly be changed from a widgetized layout to a blog style layout extremely easily, thanks to the ZOOM Framework and its advanced customization capabilities.

Solid HTML5 and CSS3 coding provide smooth scrolling and hovering effects that make your content pop, while search engine optimization built right into the code ensures you will top the pageranks and draw in much more business. Get a revenue stream going with the powerful WooCommerce plugin integration, offering an online shop within hours of installation. Drag & drop custom menus anywhere you want to make navigating your website easy and breezy. Beautiful gallery pages are also available with visually captivating layouts that exhibit the aesthetics of your work without getting in the way.

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POFO is an innovative, eloquent and responsive WordPress creative portfolio website theme. This theme is a perfect modern showcase that requires no coding skills whatsoever. Packed with enticing templates to present visual content to audiences, photographers love POFO. Its also easy-to-use WPBakery page builder lets them handcraft every detail of every page. Moreover, unique animation options and styles are at your disposal, along with tons of layouts. Amaze your visitors with multiple carousels, Parallax portfolios and Metro layouts. Mix and match elements and animations to suit your heart’s desire. With POFO’s real-time WYSIWYG platform, you are in charge of your website’s look every step of the way. The WooCommerce platform also allows for painless monetization of your products or services. Open up shop and sell your prints or digital copies, or market your professional services. Get the aperture you need, with POFO!

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Tempo is a beautiful, aesthetically accomplished, powerful and easy-to-use WordPress responsive theme, designed with the needs of very visual-heavy websites that need to showcase tons of high resolution images and photography to a wide audience of unknown composition or demographics. Regardless of the device you are using to display it on, your photos will surely be in a Retina-ready full visual glory. No possible compatibility issues will occur with platforms, browsers or screen sizes. Tempo also lets your photos reach everyone, and reach them in style.

Additionally, the creators built Tempo for speed and ease of use. You can start away with Tempo’s numerous predesigned layouts. Moreover, you can modify these layouts in real time with the Live Customizer, to make them look and feel entirely unique. Tempo also includes light and dark skins to match the tone of your website easily. Furthermore, this theme really shines when it comes to producing your Gallery pages though. With the capacity to display your images in fullscreen, you can make distraction-free, amazing looking grid or masonry layout galleries with large, high resolution photography or images. Select your gallery thumbnails’ aspect ratios, from square to landscape to portrait, to perfectly frame your work depending on its nature, or simply leave them all uncropped, as you desire. Overall, Tempo is the sound of the future. Can you keep up?

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Amory is a very visually attractive and seamlessly composed modern and deeply engaging, easy to use and very user-friendly, intuitive and stylish, technologically refined and readily responsive WordPress creative multipurpose website theme. It is a competent, capable WordPress premium theme, specifically developed with creative, artistic personalities in mind. Also, webmasters looking for a theme that can help them make their visual content stand out and get noticed by a massive, undifferentiated online audience. Moreover, Amory provides a simplified, streamlined experience for webmasters to build their own unique, customized websites with a polished, professional finish.

This theme includes a visual website composer that completely takes out coding from the equation, as well as a resourceful collection of potent, flexible shortcodes that can greatly expand the capabilities of your pages instantly, with ease and effortlessness. Amory is perfect for photographers, graphic designers and related creative professionals, as it provides an attractive, beautiful soapbox for your works to reach larger audiences than ever before. Dazzle and impress your visitors with your gorgeous photography, raise your profile with cutting edge search engine optimization, and enjoy a full ecosystem of convenient templates and tools. The developers also made Amory well documented, coded with the latest technology and readily cross compatible. Try Amory today!

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Avaris is a beautiful and creative, visually stunning and attractive, clean-cut and modern, readily responsive WordPress multipurpose website theme. This theme is also clever platform for the streamlined development of websites spanning a broad spectrum of industries and fields. Moreover, Avaris is perfect for webmasters with no previous coding knowledge or experience. Furnished with an advanced and intuitive visual page builder, Avaris gives you the power to customize your website’s layouts and arrangements, color schemes and custom fonts, animations and page transitions and far more under the hood.

Using Avaris Theme Options, you get accessible and easy to use settings that can liven up your website in no time at all, while top notch high-speed performance ensures Avaris is easy on your server load even under demanding traffic loads. With Avaris, built in WooCommerce readiness allows webmasters to market their products directly to their audience. With handsome portfolio and image gallery styling options, Avaris is a favorite of photography website webmasters with plentiful high resolution photography and embedded local or remotely hosted video content, powered by cutting edge HTML5 coding. SEO enhanced, Avaris will let you quickly ascend the ranks of all the relevant searches. Try Avaris yourself today, and check it out!

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Insight is a visually stunning, entirely flexible, intuitive and powerful WordPress responsive multi purpose theme, fully capable of handling the needs of a number of different websites with all sorts of possible applications, though particularly beneficial to websites relying heavily on visual content. Also, these features make Insight uniquely well suited for photography related websites, including photography magazines, photo journals, photography blogs and freelance photographer websites. If your website’s purpose is to showcase gorgeous imagery, Insight can be the perfect theme for you. Additionally, you can display your content in beautiful, gorgeous style no matter what device, browser or platform you view it on.

Insight also features a multitude of different homepage styles and demos, with tons of customization options available thanks to the pliable ZOOM Framework and Live Customizer, which combine with the powerful Dynamic Homepage Builder to create amazing, widgetized pages that include incredible featured content slider headers, Jetpack supercharged sidebars and extended widgets such as Related Posts and Tiled Galleries, which will all give you incredible control over how your photos are displayed. Layouts include grid and list for your posts, and several elegant color schemes.  You can also easily construct your own to suit your website’s taste and tone. Overall, Insight lets the world see through your eyes.

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Superba is a WordPress theme whose focus is media and photography. Projects, albums, and media tagging are all features that can be yours. The creators also made this theme the artist’s needs in mind. The best way to improve a product is to consider customer feedback, and every step of Superba’s design process was a collaborative effort.

From the ground up, this theme functions as a framework for your art. Superba never shifts focus from the photos, while complementing and presenting them in an enticing way. Its albums are also versatile in their function, as they can feature their own unique sets of pictures, or include slides from other projects and albums. Every individual item in the project has possesses its own taxonomy. Additionally, you can just filter and tag them in your album pages.

Everyone knows that a first impression is important and Superba assures that your site will make a positive one. Using the Splash template you will gain the ability to establish an awesome intro page, featuring social links, full screen images, and slogans. This will make for a great intro to your website. The task of starting a website is not a walk in the park. However, using the impressive Page Builder, it becomes something that even a child can easily accomplish. There are also over 18 blocks available for use. The developers also incorporated a modal skin for albums. This comes available in a classy black and white color. Furthermore, the theme is compatible with the WooCommerce plugin, allowing the user to commercialize products by using a safe and reliable system. Lastly, there are multiple template variations for albums, including: grid masonry, mosaic, slideshow, full-screen carousel, and others.

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Designed for the true artist, Vega is the photography WordPress theme that never ceases to impress. It is a Widget-Ready, High Resolution theme that works with most web browsers. It is compatible with WPML, and the theme’s documentation is very extensive.  The layout is fully responsive, and users will not encounter problems while viewing content from mobile devices.

The developers also kept everything as intuitive as possible, and you can even create multiple layouts easily. This is due to the Content Builder, and the interactive Drag&Drop interface. Furthermore, you can display your photos in multiple layouts, resulting in an online photobook where the website owner can customize, upload, and publish content.

The photography business will often necessitate the creation of a Private Gallery, viewable by only you and your customer. You can accomplish this by using the Admin Panel. Most popular websites use Parallax effects, in order to enhance the feel of their presentation. With Vega, you can upload background themes and headers with ease, and the Parallax effects will take over on their own. You also don’t need to learn programming or code manipulation. A blog may also help to increase your visitor count, and help keep the loyal followers that you already have. Moreover, you may opt for the standard blog format, or a full screen version. Lastly, the full screen capabilities do not seem tacked on, and they are well integrated into the theme’s capabilities. The admin panel is vital to option navigation, and thankfully, Vega’s panel is very user friendly.

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Bow is a streamlined WordPress theme that is ideal for professional photography websites. It is available in high resolution, and it is compatible with most web browsers.  Bow includes several Theme Forest Files such JS files, PHP files, CSS Files, and HTML files. It features over 4 columns, and it is responsive to all devices. The developers provided a detailed and informative Documentation. The support system is also very eager to help.

There is a live preview available on the page, along with some screenshots. Feel free to sample the content, before making a decision. They tested this theme using an A-grade speed page, managing only 2 seconds of total load time. However, even the best options and plugin customization choices are useless without a good Admin Panel. Thankfully, the choices presented in Bow’s Option Panel are quite extensive, allowing for satisfying customization.

They also constructed this theme using top-quality SEO tactics, and it is compatible with the most popular plugins. Regardless of the nature of your question, be it large or small, users should not hesitate to contact Bow’s support staff. You can also alter all characters and letters. The theme sports over 600 Google Fonts, each of them presenting several typography settings. Additionally, you may craft beautiful text, highlighting the nuance and flavor of your art. Moreover, Bow has 3 main variations: Content Slider, Image Background, Video Background. Furthermore, you may upload your company’s distinct logo, to increase brand recognition. Highly customizable and infinitely interesting, this theme is certainly worth your time and attention.

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There is no better way of displaying creative photography on the web.  Armada listens to the requirements of creative professionals and amateurs alike, resulting in a very efficient multipurpose WordPress theme. Using this modestly priced theme, users can benefit from limitless layout and design possibilities. There are also several interposition options for page content, titles, and multiple headers.

Although you can tinker with the theme options for as long as you wish, Armada includes 16 pre-made skins. You can also use this theme free of any hassle, as you need only to apply them. Moreover, the theme options are vast, allowing for all sorts of modifications and customization options. Additionally, this theme is responsive, meaning that your finished site can show up on most popular devices, not only on PC. Armada also incorporates several Theme Forest Files, including JS files, CSS Files, and PHP files.

Use the distinct stylized page titles for projects, pages and posts. You may also decide how to present your creative items. Furthermore, the layout of the page is fully within your control, thanks to the awesome Visual Composer.  The developers made Armada retina ready. This feature can also provide an enhanced experience for users who view your site on a Retina Display. For many users, displaying their photos is only part of their ambition. Establishing an online store and commercializing photographs is a priority for many. However, it is easier said than done. Thankfully, Armada works with the priceless WooCommerce program, in order to offer customers a stable and reliable platform. With all of the features presented by this theme, the sky is the limit!

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Oyster is a creative photography website template built with the latest HTML5 and CSS3 code. The theme’s user-centric Oyster HTML Photo Template enables you to transfer your portfolios or any other photo works into a clean and organized canvas. It makes your website look impressive and adjustable to different screen resolutions because it is responsive and retina ready. The theme’s fullscreen design with its Revolution slider makes your website look spectacular and improves usability. Moreover, it has a wall portfolio and gallery that enables you to display images or photos in the well-organized layout. You will certainly impress your visitors with Oyster’s new type of gallery, which provides mirroring effects that help your photos achieve a 3D look. This creative theme also includes striped pages, fullscreen video, unlimited portfolio layouts and coming soon/ under construction page with counter.

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eClipse is a clean and minimalist photography theme that will definitely make your works standout. This theme is also fully responsive, retina ready and coded with the latest HTML5 & CSS Code. Moreover, this versatile theme comes with several homepage layouts, image, video, pattern and color backgrounds that makes the theme customization quick and straightforward. Additionally, the theme includes Stripped Page, fullscreen Masonry Portfolio, Kenburns Gallery, fullscreen Masonry Blog and fullscreen video patterns. It also offers two-color option so you can choose between light and dark skins for your portfolio. Furthermore, eClipse Photo Portfolio WordPress Theme includes cool features such as drag & drop GT3 Page Builder Plugin, easy Font and Color Management, advanced Theme Settings Panel, Contact Form 7, Mailchimp and WPML support.

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BORDER is a unique and easy-to-use Photography WordPress theme built with the professional photographer and their needs as the main ‘focal point’. It also comes with an intuitive designed interface, carefully crafted to ease the way to showcase your unforgettable photos. Additionally, the theme features photo frame design that will make your photographs to stand out. The authors just recently released this theme but it is already became one of the most bestselling themes of its kind.

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Kappe is a modern and beautiful WordPress theme for portfolio website to showcase your work and photographs. The creators made this theme optimized for mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones. This theme also has a built-in shortcode generator to add various content elements using default WordPress text editor to which you are already familiar.

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A beautiful name for a beautiful theme – Camilla. This theme shifts focus on your work and creativity. It has loads of awesome features such as horizontal scroll, parallax, scroll, minimalistic design, fullscreen galleries, one-page setup and much more. Overall, this is the right theme if you are looking for something fresh, clean and modern. Camilla theme has 3 different pre-defined color variations that you can further tweak using several color pickers.

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Core Minimalist Photography Portfolio

Core is the Minimalist Photography, Portfolio, Personal website Template built with latest WordPress features. Custom Post Type and Image Uploader and other awesome features. You can also perfectly use this theme if you are looking for simplicity that doesn’t sacrifice functionality and customizability. Core theme puts images first and turns them into amazing experience so users won’t leave your website for a long time. Additionally, Core is by far the most popular photography theme available today. It has gone through several major overhauls and still holds strong position on this niche. Lastly, this theme is for every serious photographer looking for well tested theme that will boost your online presence.

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Samba – Colored WordPress Theme

Colorful Samba WordPress theme comes with ton of customization options and page builder. If you are looking for custom-built solutions, you can perfectly use this theme for that purpose. Also, Samba is limitless and you can make everything from basic photography portfolio up to complex WooCommerce eStore. Other basic features like responsiveness and retina ready graphics are also there.

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LENS – An Enjoyable Photography WordPress Theme

Lens is a surprising flat WordPress theme that strives to deliver premium experience and look. The developers created this theme for photographers that cares about the displayed of their photographs. They crafted every feature of this theme so you can create spectacular photography portfolio website with ease. This theme also features several great features like fullscreen slideshow, flat design, grid based galleries and a journal that will allow you to keep visitors informed.

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